torsdag 31 maj 2007

Man described as a top spammer arrested

"He's one of the top 10 spammers in the world" A 27-year-old man described as one of the world's most prolific spammers was arrested Wednesday, and federal authorities said computer users across the Web could notice a decrease in the amount of junk e-mail. ... via The State - Original Story

måndag 28 maj 2007

Massive Splog Hunt: Your Help Needed

I'm sure I don't need to tell anyone how much of a pain spam blogs are. They seem to clog up everything to do with blogs, despite the best efforts of many people to stop them. via The BritBlog Blog - Original Story

söndag 27 maj 2007

The ROKSO spammers list -here they are

The ROKSO Spammers List provides details on around 200 of the top spammers in the world. via The Red Ferret Journal - Original Story

torsdag 24 maj 2007

Alko Protects Its E-Mail With IBM Solution

May 24, 2007 -- IBM today announced that Alko Inc., the state-owned independent retail chain, has chosen an IBM IT security solution to protect its e-mail systems from spam and viruses. via Market Wire - Original Story

onsdag 23 maj 2007

Cloudmark Announces Innovative Upgrade to the Cloudmark Desktop Anti-Spam Product

"Spammers have changed tactics and are increasingly using randomized images to outsmart messaging security products that rely solely on text analysis and landing URLs to detect spam" Cloudmark Desktop 5.2 blocks multiple types of image spam, including those using PNG, GIF and other file formats. via Market Wire - Original Story

söndag 20 maj 2007

BC regulator steps into fight against stock spam

"With the huge amount of spam circulating that can cause improper or unfair trading, we are stepping up our public warnings by issuing alerts and taking immediate action with temporary halts" People with inboxes crammed with unsolicited emails touting penny stocks can now help the British Columbia Securities Commission in its fight against spam by forwarding the unwelcome emails. via Canada NewsWire - Original Story

lördag 19 maj 2007

OnlyOnce: A Thankful Moment

While there are certainly some aspects of being a CEO that are full of those proverbial thankless tasks...there are some moments that are just the opposite. via NewsFactor Network - Original Story

torsdag 17 maj 2007

Blog Blunder: Nothing New

One of my favorite tech blogs fell flat on its face Wednesday. Engadget posted a story yesterday claiming the expected June launch of the iPhone would be delayed until October and the Leopard October debut ... via PC World - Original Story

tisdag 15 maj 2007

Definitions of spam

Definition from Wikipedia:
Spamming is the abuse of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited bulk messages, which are generally undesired. While the most widely recognized form of spam is email spam, the term is applied to similar abuses in other media: instant messaging spam, Usenet newsgroup spam, Web search engine spam, spam in blogs, mobile phone messaging spam, internet forum spam and junk fax transmissions. Spam is also called junk mail. Some email clients or servers have spam filters, which try to delete or move the spam messages.

As you see, there are a lot of different types of spam. The most common variant is probably e-mail spam, and most people get a few spam e-mails every day. The ways to combat spam get better every day though, making spamming a volatile business.

E-mail spamming is the only variant of spamming that's illegal in most countries. Most e-mail spammers operate from countries with sloppy/outdated laws, or even no electronic laws at all. That's why it's so important to spread the knowledge and make spamming illegal all over our planet. Can you imagine having a spam-free inbox? :)

Hi and welcome!

I've decided to start a blog about how to combat spam. You might have noticed that the URL I've chosen looks very spammy :) I thought it'd be a funny thing to start an anti-spam blog on a spammy URL - call me crazy if you like :)

I'll go right ahead and post a couple of definitions of 'spam' to kick things off.